Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Amazing Spam Musubi

Spam is one of the best things since sliced bread; just FYI.

I'm Sister Maneha; born and raised in Hawai'i, no, I don't look like I'm from Hawai'i, and yes, I dance hula and speak pidgin (but not on demand). But for now, I have the priviledge of serving as a full-time missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and I'm going to share with you why spam musubi's are important.

1) Because they feed me when I'm hungry. Of course.

2) They're super 'ono (Hawaiian for "delicious").

3) Who wouldn't want to eat this (not the flags, just the musubi):

Doesn't that look absolutely amazingly mouthwatering? Of course it does, and it even comes with Hawaiian flags...not really but these ones do.

Oh my goodness, and it's a delicious piece of spam surrounded by sticky rice and wrapped in a sheet of seaweed! Pretty amazing.

But some people think it's gross, for some reason or another. Usually because they just detest the seaweed wrap. They can't get past it.

And you know what? We humans are pretty judgemental creatures. Face it. We see the outside of others and think "Ew, gross." But little do we realize that on the inside, these people are the most lovely, wonderful people.

But we can get past this?

Are we like that?

Do we just look at the outside and make judgements?

Or do we actually take a bite of the musubi to see what it tastes like, do we actually get to know the person?

Jesus Christ said to the prophet Samuel in the Old Testament regarding the scrawny David (whom was revealed to be the next King of Israel):

"Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature...for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for the man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart." (1 Samuel 16:7).

Do you remember what David did?

Better believe it.  And that's everyone else too.  And that weird person that lives next door, or that girl that may not be as fashionable as you; guess what, there's something really fantastic in each of them. 

So go find out.


  1. Great post Sis. We all need to remember to be Christlike and actually get to know people. That musubi is looking so good right now too. Please make me some!

  2. Thank you for the spam mususbi Sister Maneha! It was delicous!

  3. Oh definitely! Nah just kidding, 'a'ole pilikia no ka mea 'ono!
