Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Benefits of Having a Pet Dragon


Unless you want to set everything you have on fire.


Actually, I don't like roasted marshmallows, or marshmallows for that matter.  But if you ask Harry Potter or that "How to Train Your Dragon" boy, you'll know that dragons are not easy to have as a pet.

There's another kind of dragon mentioned in the Bible (in Revelations 12); it's Satan.  If we have him around in our lives, everything else is set on fire and destroyed.  When we succumb to his influence and break God's commandments, our lives can burn spiritually and everything we have and love will turn to ash.

Fortunately, however, there is a chance.

Even after the destruction, there is hope for life again. And that is through Jesus Christ.

If you will, He can help you to begin life again, and He will. Don't you ever think you're unworthy of it, or that He doesn't love you. He wants to be there to lift you up.

Behold, he sendeth an invitation unto all men, for the arms of mercy are extended towards them, and he saith: Repent, and I will receive you. (Book of Mormon, Alma 5:33).

I know that He has willingly suffered immensely in Gethsemane and has given up His life on Calvary to pay the penalty for all our sins because of His love for us; if we come unto Him and repent, He will heal us, and there will be life again after the fire.

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